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Datamars Livestock launches ‘smart’ 46 Joule energizer

Alistair Kerr

Pasture management just got more powerful and easier to control, with the new Mains powered Speedrite 46000W electric fence energizer joining the Datamars Livestock range. This 46 Joule energizer powers up to 460 km (290 miles) of fence line capable of enclosing 260 hectares (640 acres) of grazing pasture and the ability to monitor and control the energizer from a smart phone.

Its iconic predecessor, the Speedrite 36000R energizer, has been the model of choice for larger units, but the 46000W is not only more powerful but is Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled.  “This is our first ‘smart’ energizer”, explains Rob Massey Datamars Agri UK Head of Sales.  “Farmers use the free Datamars Livestock Farm App to connect the energizer to Wi-Fi, check voltage in real-time and configure settings. The app can also turn the power off and on, and send alerts when the voltage drops, solving or at least alerting you to potential issues when you are off the farm offering peace of mind and saving time”. 

“In addition, if you come across a fault on the fence line when you are in an outlying pasture, you simply use the app to turn the energizer off right from where you’re standing to fix the fault, then turn the energizer back on and check the voltage is back to normal, Rob adds.”

Other features include split bolt terminals with a pin through design, allowing multiple fence wires to easily connect without the need to bend or over-tighten. A ‘bi-polar’ installation can also be used in areas with poor earth conditions. In this configuration all fence wires are live and depend less on the earth to provide an adequate shock for animal containment.

Rob further adds: “The sleek and modern 46 Joule energizer leads us one step closer towards a fully connected farm and is one of the first deliverables in Datamars Livestock’s eco-system of integrated solutions”.

The Speedrite energizer range from Datamars Agri UK is available from all UK stockists and is a welcome addition to the extensive range of Mains, Solar, Battery and Unigizer selection of energizers as well as accessories and management tools. 

*The 46000W Mains Energizer is for professional use only.

“The way of the Future with Lots of grunt too from the 46000W in Auckland, New Zealand”

Kerry and Tracy Tristram have been farming in South Head, north of Helensville, for 17 years. The 250-hectare dairy farm has been in Kerry’s family for three generations.

The farm runs beside a forest, leading to the dark sands of Auckland’s west coast beaches. This presents a unique farming environment of wind and invasive grass species, such as Kikuyu, while the sandy free-draining soil provides an advantageous winter grazing area.

Kerry and Tracey milk a herd of 220 dairy cows across a milking platform of 120 hectares. The farm had a lot of old fencing, so Kerry simplified and moved to two-wire electric. He says installing the Speedrite 46 Joule Energizer was a no brainer. It charges fencing across the majority of the milking platform, but Kerry says it could go even further.

“There’s ample voltage, it has a lot of grunt.”

Kerry says the 46J Energizer and Datamars Livestock Farm App have given him the “luxury” to control voltage from anywhere on the farm.

“You can be on the tractor with your phone and you just hit the app to turn the fence off.”

He says this instant ability is especially handy for doing quick little jobs and frees up time.

Datamars Livestock Product Manager, Fadi Allos, says that Kerry’s experience with the energizer highlights how handy it is to be able to control the energizer from your phone.

“Our energizers have been a hallmark of the farming community for decades, with the 36 Joule Energizer an iconic favourite across the country. We are delighted that our smarter, more powerful 46 Joule Energizer is living up to its predecessor and doing the hard yards in Kiwi paddocks.”

Kerry says that the app gets put to good use a couple of times a week and it’s been easy to operate. He says the Datamars Livestock team has been on hand for support and to answer any burning technical questions.

Kerry says, “It’s the way of the future.”

“Our first ‘smart’ energizer is designed to provide peace of mind and save time for farmers, while powering 460 kilometres of fence. This is the first cab off the rank in our plans to provide a connected farm to our customers and it’s great to see farmers like Kerry embracing the technology down here in New Zealand and now into our UK market too,” adds Fadi.


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